Security Threats Other Than Smash and Grab Robberies

Smash and Grab Robberies Aren’t the Only Security Threat On this blog, we often spend time focusing on how to protect properties from smash and grab robberies. For many reasons, this makes sense. After all, smash and grabs are some of the most common crimes. They affect businesses of all types and sizes and in…

The Unique Challenges & Solutions of Securing a Large Venue

How to Secure an Airport, Arena or other Large Venue There are many unique challenges that come with securing a large venue such as an airport, sporting arena, shopping mall or other such building. These large facilities have many different areas, each with different security levels, operating hours and other variables to consider. For example,…

Security And Access Control for Schools and Public Places

How Security Gates Provide Access Control at Public Places There are a number of reasons why you would want to prevent unwanted access at a school or public place. It could be due to a threat of violence. It could be for reasons of confidentiality. It could be because you do not want people walking…

Why Installing Security Gates at Your Office is a Good Idea

Using Security Gates for access control at your Office The first thought that most people have when they think about security gates is that they’re used on doors and windows to prevent smash and grab robberies. This is true. Millions of properties across the continent use security gates for this purpose. And they’re not just…

Mobile Security Gates and Airport Security

Improving Airport Security with Physical Tools When it comes to airport security, many people think of metal detectors, security guards and cameras. While these are all important aspects of airport security, physical security tool (such as mobile security gates) is also an incredibly important part of keeping an airport, or any large public area, safe….

Stopping Holiday Season Retail Theft

Preventing Holiday Retail Theft During the holiday season, you likely want to make your retail store as open and inviting as possible. You’ll want to put your most popular and desirable products on display and make it easy for shoppers to come in, look at your merchandise and hopefully make a purchase. Unfortunately, the same…

Using Security Gates for Access Control within a Property

Access Control: Limiting Access to Certain Areas Security gates have a wide variety of uses. The most common and most well-known use is to protect properties from smash and grab robberies. Security gates are very effective at doing so and they prevent criminals from smashing windows, breaking down doors and using other violent methods to…

Improving Warehouse Security with Security Gates & More

Improving Warehouse Security Warehouses are common targets for criminals. There are a number of reasons for this. One is because warehouses contain a great deal of valuables. One of the most valuable aspects of a warehouse is that most contain merchandise in its original packaging. This is incredibly valuable to criminals as they can easily…

Hallway Security Gates Secure and Restrict Access

Using Hallway Security Gates at your Business When you think of security gates, there is a good chance that you only think of gates that are installed on the front entrance of a building. While security gates are frequently used on doors and windows to keep criminals out, there are also a number of other…

Preventing Shoplifting & Employee Theft with Security Gates

How Access Control Systems Prevent Shoplifting and Internal Theft There are a number of reasons that retail stores benefit from access control systems. Shoplifting and employee theft are crimes that cost businesses millions of dollars each year. Using an access control system can help ensure you’re not one of those businesses being victimized. One of…