Security, Why wait?. security and asset protection. Smash and grab break ins create Havok to businesses, broken windows or doors, lost merchandise, insurance, police reports and that feeling of being violated. Security does not have to look like a prison, it does not have to cost a small fortune. Xpanda security provides cost effective security…
Why use Physical Security for Businesses ?
One of the key concepts of effective security is layering

Xpanda Launches a New Guide to Protecting Businesses with Physical Security
New Guide Explains How Strong Visual and Physical Protection is Crucial for After-Hours Security Xpanda is a North American leader in the manufacture, supply, and installation of security gates and related products. With 24 years of experience at keeping businesses of all sizes and types secure, Xpanda’s mission is to provide the best protection for…
Business Security from Extreme Weather and Natural Disasters
Protecting your Business from Weather Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters can cause significant damage to properties of all types, including businesses. That’s why it’s important to take steps to protect your property – and your business operations – from these situations. One of the first things you should do is ensure that your physical…
What Criminals Think When They See Security Gates
How Security Gates Can Help Deter Criminals One of the best ways to protect your property is to try to understand criminals. When you have an idea how criminals think, this can help you determine what they look for in a target, and then you can use this knowledge to take action and make your…
How Organization Prevents Retail Crime
Being Organized Keeps your Retail Store Safe Retail store owners are always looking for ways to keep their stores safe and secure, and with good reason. After all, retail crime costs businesses millions of dollars each year and losses due to crime are one of the major reasons that retail stores go out of business….
Business Security Tips for Spring
Security Tips that Businesses Should Follow This Spring Spring is here and, while that means better weather and more sunlight, it certainly doesn’t mean an end to crime. It does mean, however, that the nature and timing of potential crimes will change. That’s why it’s a good idea to review your business security plan this…
Six Tips to Help Make Your Store More Secure Right Now
6 Tips to Improve Store Security Today If you own or operate a retail store, you know how important security is. Theft due to shoplifting or breaking and entering costs retail stores across the country millions of dollars each year. Theft can also hurt the reputation of your store and leave you a target for future…
How Physical Security Works Quickly and Effectively
Using Physical Security to Quickly Protect your Property Crime doesn’t announce itself. Criminals don’t tell you that they are going to attempt a break-in at Tuesday night at 11pm, for instance. Criminals strike quickly and without notice. Many crimes, such as smash and grab robberies, are crimes of opportunity. Criminals see an unprotected property and…
Why Physical Security Should be Visible to Criminals
How Physical Security Prevents Break-Ins There’s often a lot of focus on “hiding” security tools, especially among businesses. Many business owners believe that customers don’t want to see security tools and they’re worried that visible security will make their businesses appear unsafe or “ugly.” While this may be true during business hours, it’s certainly not…