Holiday Season Retail Security Tips to Prevent Shoplifting

Deterring Shoplifters this Holiday Season The holiday season is rapidly approaching and retailers are getting ready. Unfortunately, one of the things that retailers need to focus on at this time of year is shoplifting. This crime does tend to increase during the holiday season, as criminals take advantage of busier stores and distracted salespeople to…

How Do I Get Security Gates for my Business?

Everything You Need to Know About Security Gates When it comes to protecting your business, there are many incredible advantages to having security gates installed. Not only do they physically stop criminals from accessing your property, but they also act as strong visual deterrents. Criminals know that gates are effective, so when they see them…

How Portable Security Gates Allow for Versatile Protection

The Importance of Flexibility in your Security Tools When it comes to securing your property, one aspect that is often overlooked is flexibility. This means having the ability to customize and modify your security solution with ease, as needed. This doesn’t just refer to the initial customizations that are involved with setting up a security…

Securing your Office

How to Protect your Office from Criminals Owners of retail stores spend a lot of time working on improving security at their properties. However, retail stores aren’t the only locations that criminals target. Office buildings are also common targets for criminals. There are many reasons why. A lot of offices contain valuable electronics, such as…

Access Control in a Large Property

Controlling Access When You Need To In large properties, such as airports, schools, shopping malls, arenas, and other such facilities, access control isn’t just important, but often crucial. In these properties, large numbers of people are present at any given time. In addition, various different activities happen throughout the day, and these activities often occur…

Business Security Tips for Spring

Security Tips that Businesses Should Follow This Spring Spring is here and, while that means better weather and more sunlight, it certainly doesn’t mean an end to crime. It does mean, however, that the nature and timing of potential crimes will change. That’s why it’s a good idea to review your business security plan this…

Six Tips to Help Make Your Store More Secure Right Now

6 Tips to Improve Store Security Today If you own or operate a retail store, you know how important security is. Theft due to shoplifting or breaking and entering costs retail stores across the country millions of dollars each year. Theft can also hurt the reputation of your store and leave you a target for future…

How Daylight Savings Time Affects Crime

What Daylight Savings Time Means for Crime Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins on the second Sunday of March, which means that you’ll soon be advancing your clocks an hour ahead, if you are in a region that follows this practice. Most of North America uses Daylight Savings Time during the summer months, so it’s important…

Why You Should Have Physical Security and an Alarm System

The Importance of having Security Gates as well as an Alarm System One of the most common thoughts that we hear from people is why do you need physical security when you already have an alarm system? After all, your alarm is designed to contact the police directly as soon as a crime takes place,…

How Physical Security Works Quickly and Effectively

Using Physical Security to Quickly Protect your Property Crime doesn’t announce itself. Criminals don’t tell you that they are going to attempt a break-in at Tuesday night at 11pm, for instance. Criminals strike quickly and without notice. Many crimes, such as smash and grab robberies, are crimes of opportunity. Criminals see an unprotected property and…