Security, Why wait?. security and asset protection. Smash and grab break ins create Havok to businesses, broken windows or doors, lost merchandise, insurance, police reports and that feeling of being violated. Security does not have to look like a prison, it does not have to cost a small fortune. Xpanda security provides cost effective security…
Why use Physical Security for Businesses ?
One of the key concepts of effective security is layering
Layered Physical Security Approach, After-Hours Crime Prevention
Protecting a Business After-Hours Means Using a Layered Approach After-hours, criminals want to break into businesses to steal cash, merchandise, and anything else they can get their hands on. Businesses, of course, want to prevent this from happening. While there is a wide variety of different security and loss prevention tools out there that promise…

Xpanda Launches a New Guide to Protecting Businesses with Physical Security
New Guide Explains How Strong Visual and Physical Protection is Crucial for After-Hours Security Xpanda is a North American leader in the manufacture, supply, and installation of security gates and related products. With 24 years of experience at keeping businesses of all sizes and types secure, Xpanda’s mission is to provide the best protection for…
Security Gates for Windows Help Deter Criminals
How Security Gates for Windows Deter Crime Criminals will look for any opportunity to break into a business. They want to strike at weaknesses in a property. If the doors are not protected, they’ll smash them; if your door is secure, they’ll aim for the windows. In fact, storefront windows are one of the most…
Folding Security Gates for Windows: How to Use Them Most Effectively
Folding Security Gates for Windows Keep Businesses Safe Physical security is crucial for keeping properties safe. However, in order for security to be effective, it needs to be comprehensive. This means that you’ll have to cover as many of your property’s potential weakness as possible. For instance, many people secure the front door of their…
Security Gates for Business Properties
How to Use Security Gates for Business Locations and Offices When you first think of physical security tools, you might think of storefronts. It is true that gates are common at these properties, but this isn’t the only place where physical security is crucial. Security gates for business properties are key to keeping criminals out….
Back to School Tips That Could Protect Your Business
Security Tips Inspired by The Fall It’s the fall and that means it’s back to school time! For parents, that means getting used to new routines, rushing around to adapt to new schedules, and making sure everyone wakes up on time. However, even if you’re not a parent of a school-aged child, there are still…
Securing your Office
How to Protect your Office from Criminals Owners of retail stores spend a lot of time working on improving security at their properties. However, retail stores aren’t the only locations that criminals target. Office buildings are also common targets for criminals. There are many reasons why. A lot of offices contain valuable electronics, such as…
Why not physically secure your storefront?
Questions to consider, when or why to secure storefronts. What product is being sold How safe is the area Is a 24hour location close by What will the store look like Will my budget allow for security Will my insurance premiums go down Regardless of the answers to the above, Crime is unpredictable. Based…