Security, Why wait?. security and asset protection. Smash and grab break ins create Havok to businesses, broken windows or doors, lost merchandise, insurance, police reports and that feeling of being violated. Security does not have to look like a prison, it does not have to cost a small fortune. Xpanda security provides cost effective security…

Xpanda Launches a New Guide to Protecting Businesses with Physical Security
New Guide Explains How Strong Visual and Physical Protection is Crucial for After-Hours Security Xpanda is a North American leader in the manufacture, supply, and installation of security gates and related products. With 24 years of experience at keeping businesses of all sizes and types secure, Xpanda’s mission is to provide the best protection for…
Improving Gun Store Security
How to Improve Security at your Gun Store Every business owner wants to protect their property from criminals. Unfortunately, there are some businesses that are more common targets for criminals than others. One of these common targets is gun stores. There are many reasons why gun stores are frequently struck by criminals. One of the…
What Thieves are Wishing for This Holiday Season
How to Deter Criminals This Holiday The holiday season is essentially here and, for many retail stores and other businesses, this is a very busy time of year. It’s also a busy time of year for criminals. Much like honest shoppers, criminals view the holiday season as an opportunity to get new things. However, unlike…
How Do You Know if Your Business Has Enough Security?
Rating the Security at Your Business One question that many business owners have is “how do you know when your business has enough security?” Of course, much like many security questions, the answer to this one depends on various factors. Each business is unique and, therefore, the security needs of each business are unique as…
What Criminals Think When They See Security Gates
How Security Gates Can Help Deter Criminals One of the best ways to protect your property is to try to understand criminals. When you have an idea how criminals think, this can help you determine what they look for in a target, and then you can use this knowledge to take action and make your…
Choosing the Right Security Gates
How to Pick the Right Security Gates for your Business One of the best ways to keep a business safe is by using security gates. Physical security makes it significantly more difficult – and much more time-consuming – for someone to break into a property. This is important because many robberies are what are called…
Organized Retail Crime Often Increases in the Summer
Stopping Retail Crime This Summer The warm weather is finally here. This means sunshine, relaxation, fun, and maybe even a vacation. However, crime doesn’t take a break just because the summer is here. In fact, certain types of crimes are actually more likely to take place in the summer. One type of crime that becomes…
How Organization Prevents Retail Crime
Being Organized Keeps your Retail Store Safe Retail store owners are always looking for ways to keep their stores safe and secure, and with good reason. After all, retail crime costs businesses millions of dollars each year and losses due to crime are one of the major reasons that retail stores go out of business….
Why are Cellular Phone Stores Targeted by Smash and Grab Thieves?
Why are Cellular Stores Highly Targeted by Smash and Grab Thieves? As thieves target cellular stores, it’s becoming very common to read “In the early morning hour” and “officers discovered that a window had been broken and that the business had been burglarized”. Usually what follows that is: the suspects were seen on surveillance footage….