Mobile Security Gates vs. Fixed Security Gates

The Differences between Mobile Security Gates & Fixed Security Gates One decision that many people have to make when it comes to security gates is the choice between mobile security gates and fixed security gates. Many businesses wonder about the differences between these two types of gates and aren’t quite sure which kinds of gates…

Using Security Gates for Warehouse Safety

Security Gates and Warehouse Safety Many people think of security gates as protection from criminals. This is true, but they’re also a great way to keep employees, customers and visitors safe on your property. Security gates can be used as safety barriers. Warehouse safety is important. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the…

Security Bars or Security Gates?

The primary function for these security products is to protect against unwanted intrusion. Loss prevention specialist working to protect their retail stores are familiar with “Smash and Grab” style break-ins, it is a never ending battle as opportunistic criminals look for that quick score. Highly targeted retailers such as Gun shops, Drug stores, Sporting Goods…

Tubular Steel Scissor Gates – A Good Choice For Retailers

Tubular steel scissor style security gates are very popular in securing storefront windows and doors. These modern scissor style gates are designed for today’s retailers, unlike older more industrial designed product with loose pad locks these modern gates have smooth edges, and come with locks that are built in for convenience and strength. Why are…

Easily protecting warehousing and manufacturing facilities with Security Gates

Protecting warehousing and manufacturing facilities against unwanted  intruders and break ins is an important consideration today. There is a need to layer the security using alarm systems and video surveillance system,  to monitor activity and alert responders when business is closed. Access control and visual deterrents are equally important. Preventing access to restricted or sensitive…

Security in Shopping Malls and Large Openings

To help secure retailers within a closed shopping mall it helps to limit access throughout the shopping center during off hours.Many shopping centers have movie theatres directly connected and may want to restrict those patrons access to the entire facility while the retailers are closed. Construction or maintenance may also require the need to further…