Protecting Small Business
Small business owners do not have the luxury of hiring trained and educated Loss Prevention staff., relying on the obvious but often security is over looked, other than the obvious use of basic alarm system and video systems.
Crime is unpredictable, and your security needs to be reviewed regularly, Make a plan, set a review schedule and always be vigilant.
8 Cost Effective Security Tips
Testing your alarm system – Make sure all your contacts and glass break sensors, are working. Remember to Contact your monitoring center to alert them you are doing a test. Notify them of your holiday hours. Double check who is on the notify list and update accordingly. Note that silent alarms will notify police and give them a better chance to catch the intruders.
video surveillance systems – It might have been a while since you have looked over your surveillance system, Check to make sure there are no new promotional signs or decorations obstructing the video cameras, and check that the images are clear and covering the areas you need covered. Review some footage and ask yourself if the cameras will help to identify a robber after the crime has been committed.
Locks and Keys – Make sue all locks are good quality and you know/ record who has a key. There are special high security locks with inter changeable cores to provide you excellent key control, contact a certified professional locksmith and discuss your locks and key control. Initial cost may be costly but the benefits will reward the investment.
Closing the store procedures – You should have a plan and procedure that must be followed by all key holders, for example make a check list, locking of all security gates, locking all offices, cabinets, displays, removing high priced and tempting merchandise out of sight. DO NOT leave cash in the register leave the empty drawer open, Check all closets and change room’s displays making sure you do not lock a thief in the store.
Making bank deposits – Become inconspicuous when transferring money to a bank, switch up times of day when you do this, Make your deposits during business hours and avoid doing after closing time.
Unauthorized entry – keep unauthorized visitors out of the back rooms, keep alarm systems, PVR, safes out of sight and anything else a potential thief may scope out when inside your facility.
Lighting – Having adequate lighting outside your store as well as leaving a few lights on inside helps to deter thieves and make it easier for potential thieves to be seen.
Greet Customers – Acknowledging customers as they come into the store is good for business but also lets a potential thief know that they are noticed.
These are some basic cost effective security tips, Speak with your local law enforcement ask if they will do a free security survey, discuss what to do during a robbery or after a smash and grab type robbery.
Your safety and the safety of your staff should always be the priority.
Are you looking to improve your warehouse safety? Contact us for your security and safety barrier solutions.