Why not physically secure your storefront?
Questions to consider, when or why to secure storefronts.
- What product is being sold
- How safe is the area
- Is a 24hour location close by
- What will the store look like
- Will my budget allow for security
- Will my insurance premiums go down
Regardless of the answers to the above, Crime is unpredictable.
Based on the daily calls we receive from victims of Smash and grab style robberies every day, it’s safe to say, that any business regardless of what they sell, can be at risk of a smash and grab break in. Businesses from coffee shops, restaurants to clothing and electronics stores are at risk. These types of smash and grab robberies are often done by petty thieves looking for a quick score to provide for their addictions.
There are ways to enhance your security:
1. Alarm System
2. Video surveillance
3. Window bars
The easiest and most likely the most inexpensive way to help with security is an Alarm system, ideally with glass break sensors to alert responders quickly. Get written estimates and ask for options as systems can be wired or wireless which may require phone lines or internet. Also ask what happens when your alarm goes off, Who responds and how.
Video surveillance systems are great tools for helping and providing an accurate portrayal the incident, whether it be an armed robbery, employee theft or a burglary. Remember that the better the quality of the video, the better the chances of identifying are. It is best that multiple cameras are used in key areas such as to monitor doors and entrances, cash registers, safes etc. Also point them to merchandise to catch shoplifters.
Installation of window bars or physically securing the storefront can be done with removable products such as folding security gates. The unappealing look of old permanent mounted steel bars are replaced today with fold away security products to enhance the look of the store during operating hours while providing protection when store is closed. The advantage of physical security products is they deter the initial attempt.
There are other common sense ways to help you protect your assets, harden the target……Lock up the valuable products in a safe or secured room. Do not keep cash in the building and keep the cash register open to show there is no point to break into your store.
Often the cost of the repairs to a smash and grab robbery can be more costly that what is actually taken
Removing the desires for these opportunistic thieves is a cost effective start to protecting your investment.
Are you looking to improve your warehouse safety? Contact us for your security and safety barrier solutions.