Where is My Car?
Millions of people ask this question and are shocked by the disappearance of their vehicle every year. Billions of dollars are lost every year costing all of us.
There are several reasons why vehicles get stolen; here are a few of them.
RESALE – It is very common for the intent to steal a vehicle being for resale, Quick to cross state lines or shipped internationally. Identification numbers get altered, titles and registration get forged, and a quick repainting of the vehicle
PARTS – Stealing a vehicle and having a chop shop to strip the car for parts is sometimes more valuable to a thief as they can get two or three time more for the parts than an entire care.
TO COMMIT OTHER CRIMES – Stolen vehicles are used in hopes to reduce the chances that the crime will be traced back to the criminals. Crimes committed with the use of stolen vehicles can be, drive-by shootings, Drug transportation, armed robberies and burglaries.
JOYRIDES – Juvenile steal cars for thrills and to show off to friends, often when they are finished with the joy ride, the vehicles are left abandoned,
LOCK IT UP- Always lock your car doors, with windows and sunroof closed and take the keys with you. The attitudes of ‘I never had to lock up before”, “I live in a safe neighborhood “or “I will only be a few minutes” are what the thieves expect from you.
DO NOT HIDE KEYS- leaving your keys in the sun visor, glove box, or under the floor mat? Outside the car in magnetic box, under the bumper in the wheel well? Every thief knows the hiding spots.
PREVENT IDENTITY FRAUD- Do not leave any important documents in your car, keep registration insurance slips on you. Credit card bills, bank statement or anything else that has your personal information on it may be used to steal your identity and access your bank and credit card accounts.
PARKING- Do not just park for convenience, consider a strategy, Park in lots that have attendants (remember to only leave the ignition and door key) Park in areas with good lighting and in areas with lots of pedestrian traffic.
TURN IT OFF- quick run into a coffee shop, Atm machine, convenience store, Turn the car off and lock it up. It only takes seconds to steal a running car.
USE YOUR GARAGE- if you have a garage use it for parking your car, make sure to lock the car and lock the garage doors.
ANTI THEFT DEVICES- there are several items on the market to help prevent theft, Alarm systems, floor board locks, gearshift locks, steering wheel locks even vehicle tracking systems to help police locate your vehicle.
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